Progression – Keep moving forward towards your highest and best expression.
This is what the world is calling for!!
Imagine a world where everyone is moving towards their highest and best expression!!
It would be a world of Peace Love and Harmony!
Each human being taking responsibility to evolve!
Each human being dedicated to finding and living their purpose!
Each human being sharing their unique gifts !
Each human being progressing and living a life of Peace , Purpose, Passion , Love and Joy!
Each and everyone unified , sharing caring, nurturing, supporting, collaborating ,inspiring, guiding…
With the unified goal of creating a new world of Peace Love and Harmony!
In the Modern Mystery School we refer to this New World as Shamballah!!
This is the mission of the Modern Mystery School and all of the Initiates ,Life Activation Practitioners, Guides and Ritual Masters.
The Modern Mystery School provides you with Paths of Progression and a complete system of healing and teaching to support you in moving towards your highest and best expression!
With each step a remembering with increasing joy and power of your unique magick that is so greatly needed in creating this new world
Are you ready?
For I am inviting you to progress and move towards your highest and best expression!
I am inviting you to live a life of increasing purpose passion and joy!
I am inviting you to find and share your unique magick so greatly needed on the planet today!
I am inviting you to help create Shamballah!!
And yes there is more!!
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