Passion- Living Life Alive & Active!

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Passion is so so important right now
Especially with this Covid world we are living in…. sadly I am seeing and hearing of so many people struggling…they have lost their spark…their fire has been dampened

Passion is that fire energy
That flame of desire
That spark of creativity

This flame of Passion residing in the heart needs to be honoured to be nurtured.

So how can you fuel your fire?

🔥 Connect with your flame in your heart.
🔥Ask what can I do today to fuel my fire of Passion
🔥Write or draw any responses sensations
🔥Trust your intuition and do what comes through for you!

🔥Get a Life Activation Session🔥
Life Activation

This will reignite that spark , it will get you back on track in living a life of Passion Purpose and Joy!

It worked for me and thousands more..

I love to fuel my Fire with dance with exercise with relaxing salt baths with meditation and yummy food!!

Honour this aspect of you for when you do not only will you feel great it will flow into all areas of your life!

Watch here where myself and Julia Tiffin are interviewed by Divina Kate Bartram Head of Modern Mystery School Uk & EU on Passion!
Hot stuff!


Sent from my iPhone



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