Empower Thyself Class and Initiation

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February 3, 2018 – February 4, 2018 all-day
Lancaster Gate Hotel
Lancaster Gate
London W2 3NA
Annie Riley

Are you ready to work through the door to living an extraordinary life?

Using ancient wisdom and tools to transform your life your being!

Please do join us for these 2 days and remember how to weave magicK into your life to reach your greatest potential !

The Modern Mystery Schools  Empower Thyself Class gives you everything you need to create the life you so deserve!

Magical time tested tools to manage balance and clear your energy and space that you are in!

These are ancient time tested tools and teachings in the 3000 year old Lineage of King Saloman that worked then and NOW!

The program brings you to a higher level of understanding and knowledge of the true mysteries of the universe, of the self!

It enlightens the mind and transforms the soul and gives you tools you can use daily to empower yourself and create abundance in your life!

Step onto the path and create the life of your dreams!




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