Hi everyone,
I hope this finds you safe and well and making the most of life at this time of evolution , of reset on the planet. Today I would like to invite you to learn a meditation technique I use daily often several times a day , to gain aligned guidance and support in life, especially beneficial at this time of uncertainty,
it’s The Sanctuary Meditation !
Some of you have been asking for this class and so I am delighted to share this once again!
In this class you receive:
2 journeys to your Sanctuary.
Connection to your Higher Self,
The steps to do this for yourself
Plus a free weekly invite to be guided in this meditation!
Your Sanctuary awaits you! It is a super nurturing place , warm filled with love and light! Connect to your Higher Self …..your Higher Self knows everything and is your most trusted friend! In this class you remember….. you remember who you truly are , you remember your divinity and you remember how to connect to and receive trusted guidance and support from the divine aspect of yourself ,your Higher Self. Especially at this time of great change on the planet….would you like to receive nurturing love and aligned guidance from your Higher Self? It would be an honour to serve you!
Sanctuary Meditation Class
on January 5, 2021
with No Comments
January 16, 2021 @ 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Online - Zoom
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