Empower Thyself class and Initiation!
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When: June 27, 2015 – June 28, 2015 all-day
Where: 58 Sinclair Road, London W14 0NH, UK

2 days of transformation! learning ancient Lineage tools that work today to help you create the life you so deserve information concerning the deep mysteries of the universe and tools of empowerment are handed down in the unbroken Lineage of … Read More

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When: March 21, 2015 – March 22, 2015 all-day
Where: Kensington London.

This 2 class of Transformation takes you on a journey of self discovery! Taking you back to where you came from at source, to where you are now! Giving you a clear explanation of the structure of the universe, and … Read More

Empower Thyself Class and Initiation.
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When: January 24, 2015 – January 25, 2015 all-day
Where: Kensington, London W14 8LP, UK

The Empower Thyself Program brings you to a higher level of knowledge and understanding of the true mysteries. It enlightens the mind, transforms the soul, and gives you tools you can use daily to empower yourself (hence the name) and … Read More

Empower Thyself Class and Initiation.
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When: October 25, 2014 – October 27, 2014 all-day
Where: Lancaster Gate London

This 2 day class contains some of the essential keys to fulfilling your life purpose, manifesting your greater potential and harnessing your innate gifts. Traditionally reserved for the few, this gift of empowerment has been passed down through the ages … Read More

Empower Thyself.
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When: May 3, 2014 – May 5, 2014 all-day
Where: Kensington, London

Join us for 2 days of transformation! Receive information concerning the deeper mysteries of the universe, tools to speed up your evolution, step into your power and create the life you truly want and deserve!

Empower Thyself
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When: April 5, 2014 – April 7, 2014 all-day
Where: Kensington, London W8, UK

Empower Thyself Edit The Empower Thyself Program is a fundamental cornerstone for everything we do at the Modern Mystery School. Based on the most ancient of teachings, this program is a truly unique, and extremely effective, way to become a … Read More

Mini Me Yoga Workshop
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When: March 4, 2014 @ 10:00 pm – March 5, 2014 @ 12:00 am
Where: Kensington, London W8, UK

A fun workshop where you learn how to bring 15 minutes of fun Yoga, breathing and positive thinking into a childs daily life!

Sacred Geometry 1
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When: March 6, 2014 @ 6:00 pm – 11:00 pm
Where: Annies, London W14, UK

Come and learn the 3 first Sacred Geometries of creation! Connect and use them to create Sacred Space. Raise the vibration of a room for all your creative endeavours!

Adam Kadmon Activation and Class
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When: March 16, 2014 @ 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm

In this healing class the final 2 strands of your DNA will be activated and blocks removed from your aura. Enabling you to attract more of what you want and deserve in life ! You will no longer hold onto … Read More

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